Tag Archives: world tour

Graf Zeppelin returns to New York after world tour 1929 – video

LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin returns to New York after world tour 1929After an exhausting world tour over Berlin and Japan the airship returns via the west coast to New York where it received a big welcome and ticker parade.

From 1928 to 1932 the airship was used primarily for experimental and demonstration purposes to prepare the way for eventual regular commercial transatlantic passenger service. After making six domestic shake-down flights, the airship made its first long distance journey in mid October 1928 with a crossing of the Atlantic to the United States. Later demonstration flights included its round-the-world tour in 1929, the Europe-Pan American flight in 1930, a polar expedition in 1931, two round trips to the Middle East, and a variety of other flights around Europe. In 1932, however, the Graf began five years of providing regularly scheduled passenger, mail, and freight service between Germany and South America (Brazil). These commercial operations were the airship’s principal function during this period until it was abruptly withdrawn from active service on the day after the loss of theHindenburg in May 1937 after having made a total of 64 trips to Brazil. During its return trip to Germany on its last South American flight for 1933 the Graf also stopped in Miami (NAS Miami at Opa Locka), Akron (Goodyear-Zeppelin Company Airdock), and the “Century of Progress” world’s fair in Chicago.