Tag Archives: task sheets

Electronic Notice Board – Czech Nationals 2013

Czech Balloon National Championsip logo 2013Electronic Notice Board
17th Czech National Hot Air Balloon Championship Radesín, 7th – 11th August 2013



Pavel Kostrohun

The Czech Champion in 2013 is Pavel Kostrhun

 Results 1 – 15 final

Measuring Report Sheets

Flight 5 – 10/08/2013 pm – Task Sheet

Flight 5 10/08/2013 am – Task Sheet, track of Map A 09/08/2013 pm – cancelled

Briefing is cancelled, next Briefing will be 0530 10/08/2013.

Flight 4 09/08/2013 am – Task Sheet

Flight 3 08/08/2013 pm – Task Sheet

Flight 2 08/08/2013 am – Task Sheet

Flight 1 07/08/2013 pm – Task Sheet

PZs, CLPs and Targets waypoints17:00 07/08/2013 

Built-up area of Ždár nad Sázavou and Nové Město Moravě.

PZ Nr. Colour Coordinate Radius m. Alt. ft. MSL




8307 / 6436



Duck farm

General Briefing Information Latest version of the Official Map in TIFF format and OZF2 format (Androzic compatible). – 15:00 06/08/2013  Event Director’s mobile: +420 722 774 390. List of pilots – 16:00 07/08/2013

1 Suchý Michael, OK-0883  CZE
2 Vomáčka Tomáš, OK-1954  CZE
3 Olšanová Markéta, OK-9004  CZE
5 Vítek Petr, OK-2002  CZE
6 Línek David, OK-0055  CZE
7 Kubíček Petr, OK-0900  CZE
8 Kostrhun Pavel, OK-2667  CZE
9 Měřínský Pavel, OK-3366  CZE
10 Almer Johann, OE-RJA  AUT
11 Hora Tomáš, OK-5010  CZE
12 Garab Szabolcs, HA-756  HUN
13 Koupa Martin, OK-1612  CZE
14 Seigeot Clément, F-HOTT  FRA
15 Kubát Michal, OK-3008  CZE
16 Dillinger Pavel, OK-4021  CZE
17 Habán Tomáš, OK-2803  CZE
18 Staňa Libor, OK-7771  CZE
19 Škorpík Miloslav, OK-9003  CZE


  • Wednesday, 7th Aug, 2013
    • registration for competition – 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
    • general briefing 1:30 pm
    • first competition evening flight
  • Thursday, 8th Aug, 2013
    • two morning and evening competition flights
  • Friday, 9th Aug, 2013
    • two morning and evening competition flights
  • Saturday, 10th Aug, 2013
    • two morning and evening competition flights
    • closing ceremony
    • farewell party
  • Sunday, 11th Aug, 2013
    • free morning flight or spare competition flight and closing ceremony
    • departure of competitors

Sky Fair – 2013, Kungur, Russia

Twenty-four competitors entered to the Event and five fiesta pilots participated too.  We made seven flights and twenty-five tasks. I had to cancel one flight only because the windy weather. All task sheets, measuring report sheets results and other information published on the Electronic Notice Board: http://balloon.hu/kungur2013/.

The contest area is with open fields, fields under crops and wooded, rivers, lakes, foothills areas. The road network is not the best and I had to reconsider the bad road definition but the local drivers help us so solve these problems. The organiser provided nice excursions for the participants too: visiting the Ice Cave, boat trip, visiting a Monastery, etc.
These teams of the organisers and officials are ready to run category one Event in Kungur too.

You have to come next year. It’s an interesting and great place. Must to see!

Top six pilots:

1. Mamoru Endo JAP 20164 points
2. Sergej Latypov RUS 19552 points
3. Numata Minoru JAP 18536 points
4. Igor Starkov RUS 18225 points
5. Aleksandr Dultsev RUS 16189 points
6. Valerij Latypov RUS 16020 points
2013-06-29 19.59.47

Monument of Nikita, the Russian Ikarus in the Park of Aeronauts


Park of Aeronauts

2013-06-29 20.05.39

Park of Aeronauts



Opening Ceremony


Memorial to the victims of 2nd World War Hungarian in Kungur cemetery.


Billboard of the Event


“Rafting” (boating) with the Japanese teams


Marker drop


Andrey the chief organiser









The winner is…


… Mamoru Endo


Closing Ceremony



2013-06-28 20.03.29


2013-06-28 20.05.04


2013-06-28 20.11.20


2013-06-28 20.28.51


2013-06-28 20.55.12

One of three prison is in Kungur. The churches on photos are in prison.

2013-06-28 21.36.34


2013-06-29 19.36.11



First flight of Dutch Balloon Trophy 2013

The wind measuring at 2300 gave winds of over 20 knts and the forcast was not much better. When a thunderstorm started at 0100 were close to cancelling the first flight but decided to do the windmeasuring at 0300 to see what had happened.

First flight of DBT 2013

What a surprise, winds below 10 knts in the piball and pretty stable atmosphere in the forecast. We can see a flight in this forecast.

The tasks were set, the wind measured again, the tasks were changed, target teams send away. A cold front is coming our way so the task briefing is short and compact so we can start the launch period as soon as sunrise.

First flight of DBT 2013

Within 20 minutes 25 balloons have launched for a fast flight with minimal flight conditions, they are of for a Pilot Declared Goal, Judge Declared Goal and Hesitation Waltz.
Now we are waiting for everyone to come back safely and we can start calculating the results.
What a morning…..

Sanne Haarhuis, Deputy Director

Sanne Haarhuis, Deputy Director DBT 2013

The task Sheet of the first flight on the Electronic Notice Board.

Electronic Notice Board – Dutch Balloon Trophy 2013

35th Dutch Championships and
Belgian Championships 2013 and
Rookie of the year
Wezuperbrug, 8th – 12th May 2013

Final Results

Morning flight is cancelled. – 03:45 12/05/2013


Complain of Pilot #10 in Task #5Answer to Complain, Protest and Jury decesion

Morning flight is cancelled. Next Briefing at 18:30 – 03:45 11/05/2013

Target waypoints with PZ34

II. 3             PZ LIST (7.3)

PZ #




Alt ft MSL

Radius m














Angry farmer

Flight3 – cancelled

Complain of Pilot #1 in Task #4Answer to Complain, Protest is posted as the pilot request, Jury decesion

Morning flight is cancelled. Next Briefing at 18:30 – 03:45 10/05/2013




Wednesday 8th May 2013

  • 14.30 – 15.30 Check in officials
  • 16.00 – 17.30 Officials briefing / training
  • 16.00 – 18.00 Check-in pilots en officials
  • 20.00 General Briefing at the tent

Thursday May 9th till Saturday May 11th

  • 05.00 Task briefing Officials/Measuring Teams
  • 05.15 Task briefing
  • 09.30 – 11.30 Breakfast (if cancelled at 08:30)
  • 16.00 – 17.45 Diner
  • 17.00 – 18.00 Gas refuelling
  • 18.15 Task briefing Officials/Measuring Teams
  • 18.30 Task briefing
  • 21.00 – 23.00 Gas refuelling

Sunday May 12th

  • 05.00 Task briefing Officials / Measuring Teams
  • 05.15 Task briefing
  • 09.30 – 11.30 Breakfast (if cancelled at 08:30)
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Check-out
  • 13:00 Gala dinner / buffet / Price giving

Competitors list of Rooky of the year – 23:30 08/05/2013

Name Country Registration Advertisement
9 Guido Harle NL PH-OAG Weghorst AVIA
11 Frans van Hooft NL PH-CAS Phantom of the opera
13 Maikel Kouwenberg NL PH-DOS Re/Yellow/Bleu
15 Kim Larsen DK OY-WOW Bleu with yellow/pink/purple spiral
16 Tom de Leersnyder B OO-BEI White/small coluored blocks
21 Erik Pals NL PH-EPC Westerwolde Ballooning
23 Rupert Stanley GB G-RUPS Black and multi coluers
25 Ann Timmers B OO-BXU Leaseplan/DHL
26 Edcar Vermeulen NL PH-EMR Bleu with Multicolour sprirals

Competitors list of DBT 2013 – 23:30 08/05/2013

Name Country Registration Advertisement
1 Henk Broeders NL PH-ABR Ad Ballon/Ultramigic
2 Jan Timmers B OO-BRU Leaseplan/DHL
3 David Bareford GB EC-LIR Racer by Ultramagic
4 Nico Betzen LX LX-BNB Nico Betzen
5 Mathijs de Bruijn NL D-ORUI Bleu Bell Red/Schroeder
6 Philippe de Cock B OO-BFJ Vultus Lupi
7 Jan Fokken NL PH-TIR Blauw/rood/wit
8 Tadas Gegevecius LT LY-VNO Vilnius
9 Guido Harle NL PH-OAG Weghorst AVIA
10 Luc Herdewijn B OO-BAE Steragas
11 Frans van Hooft NL PH-CAS Phantom of the opera
12 Johannes Kooistra NL PH-LBH Lindstrand
13 Maikel Kouwenberg NL PH-DOS Re/Yellow/Bleu
14 Petr Kubicek CZ OK-0900 Kubicek XR Demo
15 Kim Larsen DK OY-WOW Bleu with yellow/pink/purple spiral
16 Tom de Leersnyder B OO-BEI White/small coluored blocks
17 David Linek CZ OK-0055 DLNK racer
18 Pavel Merinsky CZ OK-3366 Multicolour checkered
19 Lindsay Muir GB G-LOKI Red/Bleu/black top
20 Jan Oudenampsen NL PH-OOL Red/white
21 Erik Pals NL PH-EPC Westerwolde Ballooning
22 Richard Parry GB G-CDZO CFS
23 Rupert Stanley GB G-RUPS Black and multi coluers
24 Bert Stuiver NL PH-TNS Red/white/bleu spiral
25 Ann Timmers B OO-BXU Leaseplan/DHL
26 Edcar Vermeulen NL PH-EMR Bleu with Multicolour sprirals
27 Steven Vlegels B OO-BFN Cock’s Vleeswaren