Tag Archives: JC Weber

And Brazil it will be! – Letter of CIA president

FAI CIA logoThe CIA Plenary Meeting, held in Rio de Janeiro on March 22 and 23, has finally decided. The 21st FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championship will be held in San Carlos/Brazil in 2013. This decision came along after long, difficult and tiresome discussions at the Plenary, but to the satisfaction of a majority of the delegates present. Competitors may now confidently start their preparations.
The Brazilian organisers confirmed the appointment of Event Director Mathijs Debruijn and Deputy Event Director David Levin. They also announced that a non-sanctioned Pre-Worlds event will be held in San Carlos in July 2013.
Detailed information regarding the free transportation of the 70 balloons in 2014 has been promised to become available sometime during the year.
I am glad that the this issue has finally been decided, and I wish all those who plan to participate a lot of fun and perfect competitions.

Buoyant regards,
JC Weber, president
FAI Ballooning Commission