Olympic Games held In Paris, France in 1900. The two French balloonist Henry de la Vaulx and Georges Castillon de Saint-Victor set world records for distance 1925 km from Paris to Kiev and duration nearly 36 hours.
The Gordon Bennett Balloon Cup held in Geneva in 1922. Old video from the start.
Here is the inside of an aluminium hot-air balloon tank. This ‘cut away’ clearly shows how a hot-air balloon cylinder works…
From the top. You can see on this tank – the liquid valve which draws liquid fuel from the tube at base of the tank (silver handwheel valve) and the vapour valve (red wheel regulator valve) which could run the vapour pilot light on your burner if it had one, the pressure-relief-valve (PRV) is shown with the black plastic dust cap on it, the bleed valve used when filling the tank is the small screw valve and in the centre, the dial for the float gauge indicates the amount of liquid fuel in the tank.
Inside. You can see the kinked ‘dip tube’, the contents float gauge, the bleed valve tube at a high fixed level to indicate when to stop filling as your tank is full enough and the pressure relief valve.
Important notes – Not all tanks have a kinked dip tube and cylinders can have different valve configurations.
Map of CE Cup 2018 with tracks and waypoints of airspaces and contest area and PZs and CLP (42116 kB, same as 2017), OZFX file (21 MB), RMAP format (29 MB)
Invitation to the Szeged Balloon Cup
We would like to invite balloonist friends to the Szeged Balloon Cup. The event will run from 15th September to 18th September 2016. The BorTér wine festival will be same time in the city with more then 100 winemakers. The Szeged Balloon Cup will be a part of Szeged Airport’s Airshow.