Category Archives: Zenta 2011

Short summary: 20 Nationals in 8 country

Zoltán Pálhegyi's balloonist CV

I directed 20 National championship in 8 different country and two cat 1 Event and one cat 2 Event and the first Junior Pre-Worlds. I was deputy director on the last Europeans and four other cat 1 Events.
I was Jury on Worlds, Europeans and Gordon Bennett. Some more Events are here.

2nd Serbian Hot Air Balloon Championship & 8th Senta Cup

2nd Serbian Hot Air Balloon Championship &
8th Senta Cup
Senta, 9-11/09/2011



10:00-15:00 Friday – Check-in
15:00 Friday – General Briefing
Friday evening competiton flight
Saturday morning competiton flight
Saturday evening competiton flight
Sunday morning competiton flight
12:00 Sunday – Awards Ceremony

Free accommodation and meals.
Free gas refueling AFTER the first competition flight.

Competition Center

More information:

András Kosiczky – kosicki.andras (@) zenta-senta (.) co (.) rs

Zoltán Pálhegyi – phz (@) balloon (.) hu