Category Archives: Pre-World Junior 2011

General Briefing soon

1st FAI Junior Hot Air Balloon Championship

The General Briefing of the 1st FAI Junior Hot Air Balloon Championship will start soon. The General Briefing Information available from here.
The forecast no shows any rain but little bit strong wind. The first competition flight will be today evening over the Marijampolé city.


Rules of 1st Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship

Rules of 1st Junior World Hot Air Balloon ChampionshipOfficial rules were approved and published. Now you can find all three sections of the rules. The rules sections I and II published at our site earlier, were edited a bit. Important change related with Section II regarding co-pilot appeared in II.16, therefore co-pilots will not be asked for their sporting licence at check in.
Minor changes in II.3 and II.12 appeared.

You may downlod the rules from here.

1st FAI Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship will start in a bit more than two months

Today we send you a link to ZIPed electronic map calibrated for OziExplorer and a link to map image if you use other mapping software. Each file is approx. 20 MB large.

Competition rules version 2012 will be approved by CIA Plenary Meeting this week. Thereafter all updated sections of the rules will be published at the event website.

1st FAI Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship, Invitation and Section I and II

 1st  FAI Junior World  Hot Air Balloon ChampionshipUnder the Sanction granted by the Commission Internationale d‘Aerostation (CIA) of the FAI, the Aero Club of Lithuania has the great pleasure to invite 2 competitors from your country to take part in 1st FAI Junior World Hot Air Balloon Championship.
We are kindly asking you to nominate top 2 junior pilots (must be aged less than 27 years the year of the event ) for the World Championship and send the list of junior pilots of your country according to their ranking for the second invitation round with all information as soon as possible.

The entry closing date of the first invitation round is 1st February 2012.

Location: Marijampolé, Lithuania.

Second round will start if quota of 30 pilots will be not reached. In that case each country,
which have registered 2 competitors, will get an equal number of extra places. The umber of extra places will be a subject of deficit in the first invitation round places.

The official invition to national aero club available from here.

The latest version of rules CIA-AX-MER-2012 will be published here for download as soon as possible prior the championship. Section III should be confirmed by CIA Plenary meeting in March 2012.
Section I and two available from here.

Final with equal total scores on top

Best marker dropWe had the last flight: Calculated Rate of Approach Task (CRT) and Judge Declared Goal with limited scoring area (Task sheet). 10 pilots drop marker to the CRT but 4 was valid and 5 marker was in JDG scoring area within the scoring period.
We calculated the final result and I was surprised that top two competitors have equal total scores in the Event. We applied the rules 14.8.2 what sad the competitor with the smaller difference between his best and worst scores will be ranked higher. Never seen same situation before on the top.

Marijampole Cup 2011 – Final
2nd Open LT Junior Championship – Final

Was a good Event in nice area and I hope will be great in next year!

The evening results are officials but rainy morning again

It’s a very comfortable Event. We need to cancel all morning flight by rain and we knew it always at evening already. We had time to drink some beer and wake-up before the morning coffee what they serve at 0900.

Rainy morning again

Task 1 results are final and the Evening flight’s results are officials.
Marijampole Cup 2011
2nd Open LT Junior Championship1

We are planning one more flight and the Awards Ceremony and Farewell Party for tonight.