First flight of Dutch Balloon Trophy 2013

The wind measuring at 2300 gave winds of over 20 knts and the forcast was not much better. When a thunderstorm started at 0100 were close to cancelling the first flight but decided to do the windmeasuring at 0300 to see what had happened.

First flight of DBT 2013

What a surprise, winds below 10 knts in the piball and pretty stable atmosphere in the forecast. We can see a flight in this forecast.

The tasks were set, the wind measured again, the tasks were changed, target teams send away. A cold front is coming our way so the task briefing is short and compact so we can start the launch period as soon as sunrise.

First flight of DBT 2013

Within 20 minutes 25 balloons have launched for a fast flight with minimal flight conditions, they are of for a Pilot Declared Goal, Judge Declared Goal and Hesitation Waltz.
Now we are waiting for everyone to come back safely and we can start calculating the results.
What a morning…..

Sanne Haarhuis, Deputy Director

Sanne Haarhuis, Deputy Director DBT 2013

The task Sheet of the first flight on the Electronic Notice Board.

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